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eMule 0.50a Tombstone v2.1 发布
发表日期:2010-04-13作者: 出处:www.cnbeta.com  

即eMule官方版0.50a发布之后,很多modder都摩拳擦掌跃跃欲试,很多用户都在猜测官方论坛的mod哪一个将先拔头筹,并不断有用户声 称看到了morphxt等mod的内部测试版用户在自己的emule客户列表中出现。然而没想到的是4月12日一款"非著名"mod率先发布了基于 0.50a的版本,作者tHeWiZaRdOfDoS发布了eMule 0.50a Tombstone v2.1 ,成为官方第一个基于0.50a的mod发布者。

emule tombstone
eMule v0.50a Tombstone v2.1包含了新版eMule的全部重要的升级和修正,增加了客户分析反吸血以及完整文件块传输等功能。


Tombstone is now based upon eMule v0.50a including all important updates/fixes that version offers.
This version includes the ClientAnalyzer 1.5, VQB fullchunk system and modstring support ONLY - NOTHING MORE!
That's the perfect version to check out or to base your mod upon if you want to use the CA.
The code is also much cleaner and easier to port/integrate to your own language/mod.
I want to thank all testers and as always eMuleFuture.eu for its support.
Below is the changelog for your reference

Have fun and stay clean!

PS: A final word to those guys stealing and offering beta versions:
I don't mind if you host my files on your leecher site, I even welcome this step as it might help waking up some of your leecher visitors... BUT please do NOT host beta versions! They might be buggy and I don't want my users to run into trouble because of that. Also, do NOT steal my traffic! Other than that: have fun!

eMule 0.50a Tombstone v2.1更新日志:

Changelog FiNaL:
Removed unnecessary user limitation that prevented downloading files in the default cat alphabetically
MetaDataDlg is now added on-the-fly when you change the ext controls pref setting
Fixed localization bug in shared files window
Fixed official bugs in indexed.cpp

Changelog Beta1:
Update to eMule v0.50a
Changed max upload from SESSIONMAXTRANS to PARTSIZE

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